I am Amitanshu Shukla and I am currently pursuing my Bachelors in Technology in Mechanical Engineering from Academy of Technology, Hooghly. I started this blog named Easiest Programmer just to indulge myself in a productive activity during my free time. I love to play with programs and numbers and I really enjoy programming. Currently I know two programming languages i.e C and Python. Writing a blog is actually a fun way of learning something new. I hope you will enjoy reading this blog and learn a lot of new things which will help you in future.

                                            Email: easiestprogrammer@gmail.com
                                            Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amitanshu.shukla.56
                                            Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/being_amitanshu/
                                            Twitter: https://twitter.com/being_amitanshu